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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  October 15, 2023 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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you by 2030 while growing his business by 50%. carleton: elizabeth what you looking at. >> i am looking at one of the largest investment run property casualty insurers as a record in all different markets. it is trading at ten times next year's earnings which is cheaper than the broad market. carleton: alright, great ideas, thank you. to read more, check out this week's edition of barron', don't forget to follow was on x formally known as twitter at barron's online. see you next week on "barron's roundtable". ♪ >> from the fox studio in new york city, this is "maria bartiromo wall street". maria: happy weekend to all, welcome to the program that
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analyzes the week that was in position to buy the week ahead. i am maria bartiromo, we are one week into a bloodied war as the world awaits israel's next move against the terrorist actions of hamas. israel is unmasking thousands of troops near the gaza strip and one of the largest mobilizations in the country's history as it prepares for a groundwork, israel is ordering more than a million palestinian civilians in gaza city in northern gaza to evacuate but hamas is reportedly preventing that from happening as pro-palestinian rallies take place across the country. [shouting] [shouting] >> occupied people have a right to resist the occupation. [shouting] maria: protest around the world as well as a former hamas leader
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called for a day of jihad for all muslims with heightened security in major american cities, joy to me right now senate foreign relations committee texas editor, ted cr cruz, good to see you this weekend, thank you for joining us, how would you assess the work today? >> it is good to be with you, this war is going to unfortunately be prolonged and bloodied. it started late friday night with what became the worst attack on israel and over 50 years. saturday was the largest single day murder of jews since the holocaust. we have seen over 1200 israelis murdered by hamas terrorist, we have seen 27 americans confirmed murdered by hamas terrorist and these are not incidental casualties these were the targets, the death squads, they went house to house murdering,
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exterminating every person in the house targeting elderly people and women and children brutally raping women and little girls, decapitating infants. what we are seeing with these hamas terrorists it is evil and let me say at the outset everyone should understand there's no justification, there is no rationalization, every far left democrat, every campus radical that is trying to justify these atrocities they are justifying war crimes, this is horrific and israel is entirely within its rights to be waging this war and prime minister benjamin netanyahu has made clear the objective is to eliminate hamas, go in and eliminate and take other military leadership in their weapons and take out their terrorist and that is the cause that is right, just, right for israel but right for america.
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this was not just the worst attack on israel and 50 years, israel's 9/11. 27 americans murdered upwards of a dozen or more americans as hostages. this is one of the worst terrorist attacks on america in our history and hamas has consistently waged war and america and israel should stand united and say no more. maria: what i want to know from you, do you feel confident that israel can in fact wipe away hamas let's not forget we hear reports that hezbollah has 100,000 rockets and they are ready to ramp up inside with hamas against israel. do you feel confident that israel can and fact be successful. >> absolutely yes and remember
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hamas is a proxy for iran, hezbollah is a proxy for iran, both are directed by iran, both are funded by iran and both are controlled by iran. this attack was planned by iran, funded by iran and directed by iran. israel, israel exists only because it is strong enough to defeat into enemies. that's why israel exist. also you will hamas strategy is. they are counting on left-wing democrats and the useful idiots in the corporate media to be the biggest ally. as israel mounts this ground defense and goes to defeat hamas, one of the tragic consequences that we know we are going to see palestinian civilian casualties. the reason we know that hamas wants puzzles palestinian casualties. hamas uses palestinian as human shields. back in 2014 the major rocket assault by hamas on israel, i offered a bipartisan resolution
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in the senate with kirsten gillibrand, democrat from new york condemning hamas use of human shields as a war crime, this is something that they do systematically. as you noted israel is going to extraordinary links to tell palestinian civilians to get out of harm's way there is no military on planet earth that does more avoid civilian deaths but hamas wants palestinian and women women and children killed because appointed the bodies and count on the marion next in the media to denouncing israel. that is part of their work plan to undermine israel. it is income the on the rest of us to tell the truth and not fall victim for the propaganda game part of their work plan. maria: how would you assess the u.s. response i know next week you have a hearing of jack lou, joe biden wants him to be the ambassador to israel, we don't even have a basket, is equity make a difference.
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>> it would be good to have an ambassador rate i would know democrats have been screaming at republicans that we don't have it in faceted israel. that is entirely the fault of democrats because they never scheduled hearing. the democrats control the foreign relations committee 100% within the control and it was bob menendez who was the chairman and he has since been indicted he had to step down now they finally scheduled the hearing but there's a bit of republicans for the fact that democrats would not schedule a hearing on the guy when they control the entirely. let me say more broadly you asked about the administration's response we listen to biden state department officials lecturing israel about the need to follow international law into wage the work consistent with the rule of law what the hell are they suggesting this white house undermines israel on a daily basis. next week the debate should be about not about their delay to put forth that abbasid or to israel, next week the debate in
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the senate should be cutting off all of the funding for iran. there's a lot of focus on the 6 billion-dollar ransom that the biden administration was trying to pay. but the biden administration has allowed over $50 billion to flow to iran, 6 billion in ransom, 10 billion that they sent three weeks earlier and over 40 billion in revenues because the biden administration will not enforce oil sanctions creed we need to immediately enforce those sanctions and cut off every single penny that is flowing to iran and funding this terrorist attack. maria: you make so many good points and you did not mention biden's chief negotiator and iran's nuclear deal apparently facilitated the penetration of an iranian spy ring into the national security levels of the u.s. government. i want to switch gears and ask you about our own border there are growing concerns about the southern border international security because of the wide open border policy, border
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control now says they took two men into custody from lebanon who were crossing the southern border on thursday. we have new data leaks within side border patrol, the past two years thousands of special interest aliens have illegally crossed into america from countries identified by the united states as countries promoting or protecting terrorism, that include several from the middle east were looking at the numbers right now 30000 from turkey another 6000 from afghanistan, 3000 from egypt, the list is long. these numbers do not take into account more than what it half-million guideways that have slipped through the countries under biden's watch because of the wide open border. how worried are you about this. >> you are exactly right i am very sorry to say i think the risk of america onto major terrorist attack in the united states is higher today than it has been anytime since
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september 11, 2001 and its accommodation number one of biden's disastrous foreign policy that is produced the biggest war in the middle east and the most significant attack on israel and 50 years. that combined with biden's open borders, the open borders exist with acquiescence in support of every single congressional democrat and if you are a terrorist coming here to commit a terrorist back to you want to be a got away. nobody is watching, nobody is on guard in this administration because joe biden and kamala harris and alejandro mayorkas are more concerned with partisan politics the end with their solemn obligation to keep america safe. i would encourage everyone right now to be village it but vigilant watch because these are dangerous and perilous times. maria: very dangerous, you called it by pointing out the impact of this wide open border.
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senator, thank you, we will be watching all of them, ted cruz joining us this weekend in texas. thank you. thanks are kicking off their quarter earnings amid concerns of rising interest rates and the escalating war in the middle east. larry mcdonald on what to expect next. j.p. morgan wealth management knows it's easy to get lost in investment research. get help with j.p morgan personal advisors. hey, david! ready to get started? work with advisors who create a plan with you, and help you find the right investments. so great getting to know you, let's take a look at your new investment plan. ok, great! this should have you moving in the right direction. thanks jen. get ongoing advice; and manage your investments in the chase mobile app. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patients say you know doc, it really works.
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with low monthly payment options. act now and you will also receive a free seven-year warranty valued at $735. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. maria: will come back, look at where markets ended the week with fighting beijing israel, the september inflation data coming in higher-than-expected in the big banks kicking off the third quarter earnings season. double beats across-the-board but the banks are still sounding the alarm about a slowing economy, elevated inflation and now geopolitical risks, j.p. morgan morning this may be the most dangerous time the world has seen in decades, joy to be the bear traps report founder larry mcdonald thank you for being here how is the war on
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israel change things in regard to investment in the geopolitical risk. there is a misstep there, the probability of the overreaction is high. in other words you made strategic mistake in terms of intelligence responding to that and now there's an overreaction i think that is why the market having a little bit more fall, the next leg of this is about to come forth. >> we are waiting on a ground war to take place because we just spoke with senator ted cruz who expects that i want to get your take of which drive the
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market specifically, interest rates have been an issue, they backed up, now about the participants in the market are saying maybe the market did the work for the fed. they're now expecting deposit the next meeting. your thoughts on interest rates as well as the price of oil which is also been a challenge for stock investors. >> the amazing thing for our viewers, we are on the doorstep of a multipolar world portfolio, in other words the last 15 or 20 years we had a unique polar world where the u.s. is the strongest military force well funded and we had more allies, now military funding is in jeopardy for next year, raytheon is down 35% almost. and not just that most of the fed stocks are good beyond tough time, interest on the next 12 or 18 months is going to be 1.2 trillion that could crowd out military spending and then when you are so generous with ukraine on funding, the pressure on the u.s. to fund the next war is
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going to be very hot, you have to treat israel and ukraine as equal parties for at least that much. that is the funding cost, the bottom line people watching this right now like growth stocks and bonds in a multipolar world is higher inflation, higher bond yields, hard assets and protected from a higher inflation regime. maria: you talked about the last time we spoke what are you insinuating are you going to be got into buying gold or oil and what about the start to the third quarter reporting season the banks traded higher on friday and they had a really tough time recently would you buy the banks here? >> i think it's close to by the banks, a lot of short covering going on the banks are up 45% the case of the city into the
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news. there are shorts that are covering, bank of america is up 44% into the earnings coming up. there is a lot of short. you might have one leg down, i think you can buy some of the regional banks that were looking up texas capital bank, some that have less exposure to california real estate but hard assets like platinum, alcoa 73% of the highs you talk about the large aluminum maker and a power grid in the united states to some stages 30, 40, 50 years old. the main for the green generation of the next ten years and aluminum strong as a hard asset, i think you can see a bhp in the top ten heart of the s&p composition in the next five years. right now the s&p has little industrials, very little
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materials and very little oil, only 14% section of s&p, 14% whereas 1980 those three groups were 50%, 5% of s&p. maria: get to talk to you, thank you very much. larry mcdonald joining us, next americans trapped in israel one nonprofit led by u.s. military veterans is on the grounded israel with a mission to bring them back home. that is next it's not just designed to look good... it's built to command attention. it's not just a comfortable interior... it's a quiet refuge. they're not just headlights... they light the way forward. the new fully electric audi q8 e-tron models...
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goli, taste your goals. maria: welcome back americans trapped in israel as a war against hamas intensifies this weekend. the u.s. announcing it will charter flights to evacuate those that want to leave the state department estimating
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500,000 u.s. citizens currently live in israel, that does not include thousands of others that are visiting there right now, the u.s. military veterans with a nonprofit organization project dynamo have been on the ground core needing rescue missions, the team has been inundated with hundreds of request so far, joy doing a project founder and ceo brian stern. thank you very much for being here this weekend and thank you for your leadership in all that you are doing to get people out, can you tell us what you are seeing on the ground there? >> what we are seeing on the ground is a lot of confusion and panic and a lot of fear of the unknown and of course everyone is watching the media and social media and seen the atrocities make their way around of the attack earlier in the week. it is very complicated here, it's very dynamic, there is definitely -- this is a country at war.
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they are acting like they are at war all kinds of things are changing and moving around. the reality there are hundreds and hundreds of americans that are screaming for help either because their families are reaching out because they are hostages or their stock in the palestinian territory and trapped between the army and hamas or they are in israel and there's no flights and they literally cannot get out and they're afraid of the coming ground invasion in the war that is going to come. maria: how difficult has it been for you to get people out? >> it is been very difficult, it is and flows is been very difficult with respect to fundraising we are in an entirely donor funded nonprofit organization, project is our website, we rescue all over the places this is our fourth war zone deployment afghanistan, ukraine now here. this war is different than the other ones because israel is an ally and they are organized and
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their fighting terrorist which is a little bit different than what we seen in the other deployments that dynamo has do done. maria: it is amazing that we are hearing that the government is starting charter flights. we are a week into this already and people are so scared. >> it is a combo kid situation. many of the americans that are here in israel are observed jews and they started flights on the sabbath which is not helpful. it creates a moral dilemma. on top of that, the state department said they will charge people. on top of that they are bringing them to greece or cyprus or wherever and therefore when they are on their own, no lodging, no onward flight or anything in these families were american citizens are forced to pay and then figure it out. there are 20 other countries
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that set airplanes into israel all this week, brazil, canada, all these countries, mexico sent in airplane that take their people home. maria: that is right. you are absolutely right. mexico as well. thank you for all that you are doing we appreciate it and we appreciate your time. we want our viewers to know you can donate at project thank you brian. i have one important thing that you need to know about ahead of (sfx: stone wheel crafting) ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪
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studio album it is called hackney diamonds and future songs of elton john, lady gaga, paul mccartney and many others, the album is set for release next friday. i will see you this sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. eastern on the fox news channel for "sunday morning futures" i'll be joined by secretary of state mike pompeo and exclusive interviews with house foreign affairs committee michael mccaul, iranian crown prince in arizona candidate kari lake join us with full live development from the war on israel. that will do it for us for now. thank you so much for watching ♪ ♪ ♪ >> welcome to "barron's roundtable


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